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Samaritan Cake

Samaritan Cake

3 eggs
7oz self raising flour
7oz caster sugar
7oz butter
1/2 tspoon Vanilla extract
Dash of milk
Jam for filling

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix in flour. Add milk till a dropping consistency. Put into 2 cake tins and cook at 140c for 25 mins. Once cooled turn out and sandwich with jam. Dust with icing sugar and ENJOY!
  • Recipe Tradition

    There was a lady who made this cake for a friend, who had been diagnosed with cancer. She had felt helpless in the situation so had tapped into her talent and love of baking, to show her concern for her friend. The friend received it so well and was truly moved and delighted by her gesture that she decided every day for a year she would bake a cake to give away to family, friends, strangers etc. The media heard about it and named her the Samaritan Cake Lady. Apparently she even took all her ingredients with her on their families camping holiday and produced a cake every single day to give away! 'Pay it forward' and 'If its to be, its up to me!' spring to mind

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